

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A big fat fucking fail...

I had my early Gestational Diabetes test yesterday. I totally expected to pass it. I was all cocky, assuming things were going to be perfect. I asked when I would hear back and she said 1-2 days and not at all if things were good.

Guess who got a call today?! Me. I had a voicemail and totally was hoping that maybe there was some sort of billing question or someone saying I needed to redo it because the lady messed up or something. Nope. Instead "Michelle" told me that my level was 156 and the cutoff is 135. Also not all to great since I had been fasting (not on purpose) and it was still that elevated. Now my Thursday morning will be spent having the 3 hour test done. I have to watch my sugar and carb intake until then.

I would love to say I can't believe I actually failed, but I can. I'm overweight and and technically had it with B's pregnancy but I had a shitty OB who didn't really care. I will keep you updated!


Mother Knows Best Reviews said...

Please let us know ASAP on the 3-hour, Leda. I'm sending you hugs - this isn't your fault, lady. HUGS.

Erin said...

:( Sorry. GD sucks but you will get through it. I had it and actually did not get any stretch marks and looked pretty good even at 9 months! Just one upside. Downside is all the food you miss out on. Not fair to be pregnant and not be able to eat what you want.

Erin said...

That's if you have it...you might not. :)