

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hard decisions

So, we have an RE appointment scheduled for March 3. That is next week and I just realized this yesterday. I think we decided yesterday that I will reschedule for 3 months from now. T will have his sexy-time with a cup. I will excercise, eat better and give the metformin some time to work. Also, I want to give it the 3 months after HSG and hope hope hope that we get knocked up. We decided to hold off because we have not had T's SA yet and I had all these changes in this last cycle. I just want to give things time to work before we go there asking for an IUI. I would really like to get pregnant for free, ya know. Anyway, that is where we are now. I am happy with it, T is happy with it and i think we both feel really good about the next few cycles. I feel like we have good things going for us. I guess the real test will be the 7 DPO progesterone draw to see if the metformin helped this cycle or not. Then I will talk to her more about progesterone suppositories for the 2WW. And upping the Clomid to 100mg because I refuse to do another 50mg cycle.


cheryllookingforward said...

This is a rough desicion, but you're happy with it - that's what matters the most! I'll be rooting for you!

Kate said...

Initially a tough move to make, but worth it when you know what's best for you - good luck!


Browniris said...

I am glad to hear that you have a plan that feels good for both of you. Hopefully you won't need that RE appointment after all!

Mother Knows Best Reviews said...

I agree with the other ladies - this is such a smart, informed decision. I'm sure it was a little tough to come to, but it sounds like it makes you happy - that's great!

Wishing 4 One said...

Me too a great plan it sounds like. Wishing the best for you and hoping 2010 is your year. Happy iclw.

Hannah said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad you have a plan, I didn't realize how much we'd have to take charge of the IF treatments and not just go along with whatever an RE suggests. Take care!
Happy ICLW

Suzy said...

I did lol at the "sexy time with a cup" comment...that is exactly what my partner says about our donor! She always calls it sexy time. You are obviously a woman after my own heart :)

Best of luck with your plan...I think I'll stop back to see how it works out :)


quadmom said...

It's a hard decision, but you are 24 so you have a lot of time, which is awesome. If you guys are happy with your decision, that is by far the most important thing. I will keep my fingers crossed for an HSG baby!!! =)