

Friday, June 18, 2010

18 weeks and what I've got a'cookin'...

We had our anatomy ultrasound yesterday. It was a Level 2 which pretty much meant that the MFM OB did part of it. She got all the measurements she wanted and said things are looking great!!! We also found out that we are expecting a sweet little girl!

The good: we know what we're having, Shopping and BEGIN!!! I feel good. Hungry all the time, but good. She moves around quite a bit now, it feels super wierd.

The bad: nasal congestion. It sucks!!!!!!!

The ugly: I tend to be a hormonal mess, lol.



Mother Knows Best Reviews said...

Look at those three beautiful white lines!! :)

Kakunaa said...

Awww, she is beautiful, hon. Thanks for ssharing your pictures!